How to tame someone's personality – Zuckerberg edition

I don't know what you became recently, the changes in your hobbies or your purpose of life but don't you think there was an artificial hands hidden for this change?

Recently i was amusing thinking about why flat earthers thinks earth is flat? Why they think tracking chips were inserted with the covid 19 vaccine? Why they destroyed 5g towers instead of following the covid protocols!? The algorithm made them to think so..

“The medium is the message”

When you think of a far left or far right person why you forget to think where you actually are..? Do you really know you are “right” about your viewpoint? You might not be either a bts fan or a tech enthusiasist. Thoughts you might not intended to have is popping up as notifications for you

The social media is fighting for your attention. Advertisers are paying for these companies. You are the product here. For this to happen they are using some of the advanced tracking algorithms. Tracking everything, pushing recommendations, selling ads.. the internet companies became the million, trillion dollar companies. Facebook(now Meta) was once Accused of Watching Instagram Users Through Cameras

Remember your private life or moments , every photo or video that you share or receive are not private anymore :–) . Online communications became primary way of interactions. We are using a untrusty third party tools/software made by these BIG BROTHERS for the same. jesus fked by social media If you are still lazy/( i dont care ) try watching the movie “The Social Dilemma (2020). The documentry will give one more seriousness on the grounds. The vulnerabilty of human mind is used against you. You are running for some of the fake tokens of gratitude. Teens are getting deppressed if they don't get enough likes and comments

Like this blog if you like my rant.. No just kidding :)

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