About this Writefreely instance

I am considering to replace our Plume with Writefreely in the future. However this time I've decided to first do a test-deployment, before making it more official. Here are some notes about this setup:

You can vote for or against this replacement here.

What about Plume?

Plume is – actually for a second time now – not under active development and its future is currently unclear (want to join its development? would be amazing!). It has a number of broken or even missing moderation features, making it very hard to keep the instance clean.

Media uploads

Writefreely does not support direct media uploads. Their commercial product uses an extra service for this purpose, which is expected to become opensource and available for 3rd party hosting (us) in the near future.


Right now, you can use Markdown to format your blogs

Blog visibility

A blog is unlisted by default. You may alter its settings accordingly. This can be changed in the future if spam doesn't get out of hand. :)

Note on logins

The new authentication server formats usernames like [username]@[domain] -> user@tchncs.de. You may use this formatting when trying to login again.

About the authentication server

This new authentication server is supposed to help with other new or even old deployments of tchncs.de that have more basic account/signup security or moderation options. It might become an option for (in most cases new users) on existing tchncs.de services in the future. The server is powered by Zitadel and provides many cool features for your account.

Writefreely is supposed to suggest username, displayname and email based on your account on this auth server, but this is currently broken. However that's mostly cosmetic. Under the hood a unique id is shared between these servers to identify your account.

Will this be deleted?

If it proves useful over the next months, it will be moved to a new domain and your posts will survive.

Signature (thanks for reading):
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