Firefox on the brink?

This is the title of the Brice Wray author, thinking about a possible collapse of the Mozilla Firefox. You can read the full article by accessing Firefox on the brink? The Big Three may effectively be down to a Big Two, and right quick. Also, you can engage in the Hacker News discussion about it.


To claim this allegation, Brice bases it on several factors, including:

  1. There has been a steady decline in Firefox's market share, which has fallen from 31.82% in November 2009 to just 3.17% in November 2023.
  2. The rise of Google Chrome, now the most popular browser in the world, with a market share of 62.85%.
  3. A new US government guideline requires government websites to be compatible with Chrome and Edge, but not with Firefox.

The main reason for this title is that Wray believes that the US government guidelines are a significant blow to Firefox, as they will make it more difficult for Firefox developers and users to access government websites. He also argues that the decline of Firefox is making it more difficult for Mozilla to attract new resources and funding.

It's difficult to say whether Firefox is on the verge of collapse. However, the browser is facing significant challenges. If Mozilla cannot find a way to reverse the decline of Firefox, the browser may disappear soon.

Overall, Wray's article is an important warning about the future of Firefox. The browser is facing significant challenges, and it may disappear soon. Of course, it's challenging to look at Firefox as a threat to browsers from large companies, such as Microsoft, Google, and Apple, mainly because the first has embedded ChatGPT in everything, especially in Edge; the second has a broad dominance in the mobile market (Android) and the PC market (Chromebooks, desktops, and notebooks); and the third has, in the US, a gigantic installed mobile base (which should be the justification for the +30% using Safari) which still adds up to, probably, the most extensive Mac base in the world.

The situation of Firefox is VERY complicated. And I am pretty worried – to the extent that is possible – because FF is my default browser, and I think it is our best alternative to the walls of Big Techs.hs.