A Few Technical Notes

(This post is probably of interest only to people who have played, or at least read the rules for, “A Visit to San Sibilia”.)

My character prompt was “Cantankerous Cartographer”, which I thought was delightful, and you'll see how strongly it affected the story.

I haven't read any other visits to San Sibilia, but I suspect mine is a bit longer than the average. This is for a couple of reasons:

-As I'm transcribing the thing, there's one chapter that I'll have to split into two, or possibly even three. This is because at the time I was pushing the story in one direction, but that direction doesn't work with the ending I ended up with, so I need to go back and add some events to remove the contradiction.

-At least once I skipped a “the world changes” prompt because it was too soon.

OK, technical stuff over. All subsequent posts will be in the character's voice.