Day 1
Hrmph. So this is the much-rumored San Sibilia, is it? Doesn't seem so unmappable as all that. Streets, districts, a river running through the middle of it, all of the usual. Expect I'll spend a week or so to make a decent map, maybe two or three if I decide it's worth some sightseeing.
Mind you, it was a devil to find, that much is true. Some accounts didn't even agree on what country it was in. But I dug into the old stories, some of the hand-written accounts, and eventually pieced together directions to a nearby town where I was able to hire a coach. Fellow didn't want to go, for some reason, but I made it worth his while.
Found a very respectable guest-house not far from the river. Run by an old widow—her name keeps slipping out of my mind, for whatever reason, but she made it clear that only proper people will be staying here. Suppose I'll have to meet her other tenants at breakfast and suchlike. Nuisance really but one has to.
Scarcely had I unloaded my map-making tools and hung up my wardrobe and taken a few steps out the door, when who did I run into but an old chum from school, Biffy! I had no idea he had been looking for this place as well, and based on a few comments he made, I rather suspect he hadn't been. Of course we said we must meet for a sherry once I got settled in. One says these things.
The first order of business will be to explore each of the major neighborhoods in order, just to get a sense of the place.