Day 21
I had a pleasant-enough lunch with Biffy today. He was talking about nothing important (not unlike him, I must admit), and I was agreeing at the right points, but my heart wasn't really in it, because I was still turning over that business with Miss Diviou yesterday. Did she genuinely perceive the interaction differently, was she trying to downplay things...or did they get to her? The ones who are trying to keep me from mapping the city?
Well, never mind that. Something far more important happened today. I was browsing around an antique shop in La Bohemia, and I came across an old leather map case. It seemed empty, but when I peered further in I realized that there was a map stuck to the inside of it, so far to the side that it was easy to overlook. The fools thought they were selling an empty case! Of course I bought it and brought it home at once. It'll take some work to get it out without destroying it, but with luck, this will be a genuine map of the city! What a find that would be.