Day 24

I decided to check out the theater that Miss Diviou and I had attended, to test what the city has become by reference to a known landmark. Could't find the d—-ed thing! I walked all around where I know we had walked that night, but most of the streets were totally unfamiliar.

Eventually I was forced to ask a local. He seemed confused at first, and then remembered a nearby pub that was said to be built on the ruins of an ancient theater.

So I entered, bought a pint from the publican, and asked him about the story, which he confirmed. A little pourboire got me access to the basement where he keeps his kegs, and sure enough, the ruins down there were the same layout I remembered.

Have I somehow become tangled in time, like in Mr. Wells' tomfoolery of a novel? Can't be—my landlady is still here, and Miss Diviou. Maybe I should look up Biffy, see if he's noticed these changes.