Day 26

I've been looking for Biffy for two days. Couldn't find the place he was staying, or the coffee shop we went to together. Searching around did let me get a sense of the changed city. It's still broadly the same place. Districts are the same, and major avenues and landmarks. It's all the details that have changed. I've seen plenty of familiar faces, too, so that scrubs the time travel theory.

I finally came across him tonight, at a gallery opening. I never knew Biffy to be one for art, so I was surprised to see him there. Turns out he just wanted the free wine and cheese. Fair enough. The art was rubbish, anyway—all these portraits that have become the fashion lately. Treacly, garish, nothing like the stately ones they do back at home.

Of course I couldn't ask Biffy about all this strangeness there. Not with so many foreigners around. But we made plans to meet soon.