Day 27

Biffy and I made plans to meet up at Scylla park to discuss what's been going on in the city. I know, that's where all of that weirdness with the portrait painters happened, but I figured it was a public place and would look less suspicious than if we tried to meet somewhere private. Anyway, I didn't notice anyone drawing us.

He's noticed it too, the change. He knew how to get to his rented flat, but said that the buildings around it are all different. He asked a couple of the locals about it and got no reaction. Foreigners.

We have agreed to work together to map the city as it is now. I'm undecided as to whether to bring in Miss Diviou. She's a foreigner but not a local, so it would be useful to understand how she sees the changes. But what if she's working with them? Biffy of course I can trust without question.