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Storenvy Database Leaked Mid-2019 – Free Download

In mid-2019, the e-commerce website Storenvy suffered a data breach that exposed millions of customer records. A portion of the breached records were subsequently posted to a hacking forum with cracked password hashes, whilst the entire corpus of 23M rows was put up for sale. The data contained 11M unique email addresses alongside usernames, IP addresses, the user's city, gender date of birth and original salted SHA-1 password hash.

On the news: https://hackread.com/e-commerce-firm-storenvy-hacked-accounts-leaked/ https://haveibeenpwned.com/PwnedWebsites#Storenvy

Download: https://filecrypt.cc/Container/714F33F738.html https://fileland.io/khydmmu55db6 https://cloudhunger.com/eql8z85ikomo.html https://fileupload.pw/wwkkzmzhq8d4 https://apkadmin.com/9c9a88jdfsw1 https://filespace.com/9wz58javehsh

Hacxx IPTV Music – Get Access to 652 Publicly Available Music Channels

Hacxx IPTV Music is a streaming service offering a vast collection of music channels from around the world. It provides various genres, including pop, rock, jazz, and electronic. Specific data on the average number of music channels across popular IPTV services isn't available. However, it's rare for a service to provide as many as 652 music channels, making Hacxx IPTV's music library quite extensive.

Download or view online: https://bit.ly/hacxx-iptv-music

Download: https://filecrypt.cc/Container/7A0D3F5897.html https://www.up-4ever.net/tm7z033sthsa https://nitroflare.com/view/7879EC18BE1E43B/Hacxx_IPTV_Music.rar

Note: Want more tv channels? Buy Hacxx IPTV Unlicensed.


  • Hacxx HTTP Server (old win)

  • Hacxx Powershell HTTP Server

  • Hacxx PowerShell HTTP Server Code with Non-Blocking Command Execution. Read the text file...

Download: https://filecrypt.cc/Container/30B21F2DB6.html http://cloudamon.com/file/1567242 https://filespace.com/usimj2vku7zw https://nitroflare.com/view/18F03C167E1E423/HACXX_HTTP_Server.rar

TicketFly.com partial database leaked May 2018 – 6 Million emails – Free Download

In May 2018, the website for the ticket distribution service Ticketfly was defaced by an attacker and was subsequently taken offline. The attacker allegedly requested a ransom to share details of the vulnerability with Ticketfly but did not receive a reply and subsequently posted the breached data online to a publicly accessible location. The data included over 26 million unique email addresses along with names, physical addresses and phone numbers. Whilst there were no passwords in the publicly leaked data, Ticketfly later issued an incident update and stated that “It is possible, however, that hashed values of password credentials could have been accessed”.

Note: This is a partial, only 6 Million emails.

On the news: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/mbk3nx/ticketfly-website-database-hacked-data-breach

Download: (Mirrors) https://nitroflare.com/view/5BFE306FC350894 http://gigapeta.com/dl/8797545a301154

Hacxx IPTV – Kickstarter for IPTV + Smart Android Tv Box Q+ Plus

View project: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/671398144/428117935?ref=dlzbqr&token=0f5292e9

Hacxx IPTV – Classique TV Channel (360p) 2025 Online

View online: https://playerhls.com/tv/video-player.php?url=https://stmv1.srvif.com/classique/classique/playlist.m3u8