What did you do last week?
I read The Long
Memo (TLM) Substack “Dear Elon, here's your weekly report, now shove it”
by W. A. Finnegan. He suggested “that every American” should explain “what they did last week.”
What a wonderful idea! Here's my heartfelt solidarity contribution from Germany:
Dear DOGE,
I think you should know what all the people in the world did, not only US federal workers (after all, isn't it all about world domination?).
Firstly, there are the German Witches Association sisters, who danced an anti-election interference minuet outdoors on Saturday night (February, 22nd), invoking the power of the moon goddess and of the Mars warrior spirit. With a little help from the elves, the ceremony then culminated in a passionate “thou shalt not pass”! defense magic.
I also want to let you know that I extend my last week offer for lonely billionaires in dire need of admiration and all-time veneration who may receive a love and self-care potion from the Holy Witches Association anytime at the price of 44 billion dollars that have to be paid into the Robin Hood fund for federal workers.
Rainbow greetings from the land of the runes,
IDA (the primordial German seeress) – you can follow my blog on Mastodon.