About me and this blog

About me

I am a software developer and #SAP solution architect. In addition to this professional IT focus, I have a great interest in free and open source software (#FOSS) and the #Fediverse.

Why this blog?

I have often had the idea of recording my thoughts and findings in a blog. On the one hand to remind myself, on the other hand to share them with others.

Often it is not a lack of technology or poor technology that is the reason why technology is used incorrectly or not at all. I hope to make a small contribution with this blog so that both FOSS and the Fediverse become more widespread, not only in the private consumer sector, but also in the professional world of business software.

My values

Knowledge is an invaluable asset that must be preserved and shared. Only when there is knowledge about interrelationships can actions and events be classified, evaluated and conclusions drawn for the future.
It is important that this knowledge is freely available to everyone. This blog is my small contribution to this.

My professional activities

If you are interested in my professional activities, please visit https://people.sap.com/helmut.tammen2. There you will find mostly everything about my role as SAP consultant.

Frequency of blog posts

I won't be posting here regularly and probably not very often as I have other professional and personal interests that also require time. However, I try to write here whenever there are things I don't want to forget. In such case I will mention them via my mastodon account (s. Contact).

Why is this in english?

Even though I'm a german guy I will write in english most of the time. I do this cause many of my followers on fediverse don't speak german. Nevertheless, I will certainly write German texts from time to time if they are only of interest to Germans or in Germany.


If you would like to contact me, please see https://saptodon.org/@htammen. saptodon.org is a Mastodon server that I run to provide a platform for the SAP community in the #Fediverse.