Why should you register with a small Mastodon server?

If you want to set up a Mastodon account, you should not necessarily choose the one with the most users. In this article, I will give you a few reasons why a large provider is not always the best choice.

Unlike centralized services such as Instagram, X, ..., Mastodon, as well as the entire Fediverse, is decentralized. This means that there is not just one provider with whom you can set up an account, but many. The Fediverse servers are connected with each other, so that you can follow accounts on any other server from “your” server. This means that you have access to the same information regardless of which provider you choose.

When choosing the best server for you, you should consider the following points.

This list of arguments in favor of small Mastodon servers is not exhaustive. There are also good reasons for creating an account with a large provider.

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