
We'll use OpenVPN install script.

Downloading Script

curl -O
chmod +x

Running Script

sudo ./

For IP address, just press enter.

If you wanna use IPV6, you can say y, if you don't want, you can say n.

In port choice, I recommend using Random.

In Protocol, I recommend UDP. If it's not available, just use TCP.

Select a DNS to use in your VPN. I recommend Adguard DNS.

In compression, I recommend n.

In encryption settings, I recommend n. Because script is setting a lot of settings already. We don't need to modify them.

Script will install packages.

We'll create a client. It can be your PC, phone etc. Give a name for it.

If you wanna use a password, you can select it.

It will create ovpn file in your home directory. We need to download this file to your host machine.

You can use sftp in your host machine.


Download OpenVPN, and connect to your VPN.

If you are using KDE Plasma, you don't need to download OpenVPN app. Just go to * Settings * Wi-Fi & Internet * + * Import new connection * Select your OVPN file * Click to network button in your taskbar * Find your VPN connection * Click Connect

DNF is very slow without modifying dnf.conf. We'll modify /etc/dnf/dnf.conf for speed up DNF.




Add these to /etc/dnf/dnf.conf:

# dnf.conf

By the way, you can add defaultyes=true for [Y/n] (default is [y/N]) in package installs.

You can encrypt/decrypt your files with GPG.

1. Creating GPG Key

Run gpg --full-gen-key and answer questions.

IMPORTANT key-id = keys' mail

1.1. Creating Backup for a GPG Key

1.1.1. Creating Backup File

gpg --export-secret-keys --output private-key.asc --armor [key-id]

1.1.2. Importing Backup File

gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import private-key.asc

[!WARNING] You should store this private-key.asc file in a safe storage like your USB. Don't upload it to Drive etc., if you want to do that, you can upload it as encrypted zip file.

2. Exporting and Importing Public Keys

You can share your public key. With public key, people can encrypt files for you.

You can find people's keys in Just type an email, you'll see GPG key. For example, you can try typing for my GPG key.

If you encrypt a file with your key, only YOU can decrypt it.

2.1. Exporting Public Key

gpg --armor --output [keyname].key --export [key-id]

2.2. Importing Public Key

gpg --import [keyname].key

3. Encrypt and Decrypt Files

3.1 Encrypting Files

gpg -r [key-id] --encrypt [non-encrypted file]

For example, you have my key. (As I said, you can find in OpenPGP Keys page.) You can encrypt a file for me with key-id.

3.2 Decrypt Files

gpg --decrypt [encrypted file] --output [output file]

If file is encrypted for you, you can decrypt it with this command. But don't forget, you should have your private key to decrypt.