
sadert's blog for things related to development

Alright, new thing! I've moved blogs over to my own site at

It uses bashblog, a cool singular bash script that can generate a full static blog

Woah, I forgot about this! I've got a few things to share. for one. I expanded on my bot to create an RSS feed reader for Hacker News, because is a live saver.

I'll probably update this post when I think of more.

something goes here

600x400 placeholder

It's been roughly a week and still no response on Funkwhale. Oh well.

Update on Funkwhale application: still no reply

My thoughts on decentralized social medias.

Firefish is very interesting.

Jokes aside, it seems to add a lot of nice features to Mastodon.

My only complaint is that it's a little slow, and I haven't got my timeline to work.

Speaking of the Fediverse, I made a PeerTube account today on Libre.Video. I uploaded a compilation of AI-generated Stack Overflow questions for my first video and I plan to upload more funny videos as well.

And good old Mastodon is just fine as well. The satirical bot I made didn't break from the weeks I haven't paid attention to it.

I've also applied for a Funkwhale account as I already make music. The account has not been approved yet.

I also have a GNU Social account now under the name sadert but it appears I can't verify my email right now.

I found all of these through this website.

As I said on,


I'm gonna start making a Windows version of Main soon once I am good at Git (I still don't know what I'm doing).

Here is some really awesome code (help me I don't know what I'm doing) is a pretty cool social media website. It has all the features of Twitter without the Elon Musk. It even has Markdown! There's also no stupid algorithm, just people you follow. There's also user walls!

I know this sounds like an advertisement but I really just like this website, you should go check it out

Well. Revolution Hill is offically gone.

Speaking on behalf of the staff team, I’m sorry it had to end this way. Behind the scenes, everyone was against each other and we couldn’t go on like this. I have a public archive of the Revolution Hill server and I plan to release it soon enough. I also have an archive of the database and we might have an archive of the website as well.

There’s a lot of drama happening right now with everyone and I’m sorry to everyone who knew nothing about it. We might return at some point, but it will most likely never be the same again.

I’m sorry.

~1337 Head Administrator of Revolution Hill 11th User

You can still rejoin the nuked server if you really want to.

I've been doing absolutely nothing productive. For future reference, if my blog goes silent, it's for this reason.