Helmut Tammen

I have a great interest in FOSS and the Fediverse. In this blog I will occasionally publish my insights and opinions on these topics.

For the source have a look at my github account


When reading the headline you probably think “what the hell does he do? Why does he not import the csv file into Excel and manage it there?”

Here are the reasons

  • I don't like Excel.
  • My source csv file needs to be converted before generating the Excel file.
  • I wanted to explore DuckDB.

TL;DR: Go to the source files at the very bottom of this blog post.


Our trip to Costa Rica from Feb 18th, 2024 to March 13th, 2024


#Nextcloud is a product that I have been looking at for some time. Since version Hub 6, it has been possible to develop your own applications not only in PHP, but with any programming language. Technically, it works with #Docker. This aroused my particular interest, which is why I finally decided to set up my own Nextcloud server. In this blog post I describe the path I took and which documents / aids I used.


I want to play around with #Mastodon API. So I thought about an environment I could use for it.


If you want to set up a Mastodon account, you should not necessarily choose the one with the most users. In this article, I will give you a few reasons why a large provider is not always the best choice.