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from El blog de Mago del Trueno 🧙‍♂️⛈✍💻📖

Los Larvae, espectros terribles de la mitología romana.

Los espectros y seres que regresan a la vida siempre han estado presentes a lo largo de la historia humana, de tal suerte que en la mitología romana no son la excepción, los romanos creían en las Larvae, un tipo de espectros o espíritus de la muerte; parecidos a los lares, pero de proceder y actuar maligno.

las Larvae, un tipo de espectros o espíritus de la muerte

Segun algunos autores romanos, los lémures eran en si espíritus de la muerte, de tal suerte que los dividen en dos clases: los lares, que no son otra cosa que almas benevolentes de la familia, los cuales protegen la casa ( domus  ), y propiamente las larvae, almas inquietas y horribles de personas malvadas, se decía que las larvae vagaban por la noche atormentando y asustando a los vivos.
En la Roma Imperial, los días 9, 11, y 13 de mayo se conmemoraba el festejo llamado Lemuralia, es decir, la fiesta de los lémures, en dicho festejo se ofrecían judías negras a las larvae, esto con la esperanza de aplacarlas; del mismo modo se hacían ruidos fuertes, esto con el fin de alejarlas y que no atormentaran a los ciudadanos.

Para el pueblo romano, los Lémueres eran en si seres sobrenaturales, eran en si espíritus de la muerte

Es comprensible que los lémures aterrorizaran a los romanos, por sus grandes ojos, hábitos nocturnos y los sonidos terribles que hacen por la noche, dándoles una interpretación sobrenatural.

from El blog de Mago del Trueno 🧙‍♂️⛈✍💻📖

El Jiang Shi, a menudo conocido en la cultura occidental como el "zombie chino" o el "vampiro chino"

Como sabemos, la cultura occidental es rica en mitos y leyendas, es por eso que hoy les damos a conocer este peculiar no-muerto propio de la cultura china.

A menudo conocidos en occidente como vampiros chinos o zombies chinos, los Jiang Shi son cadáveres que regresan a la vida tras una muerte violenta o de forma no natural, aunque en algunas leyendas se trata también de un alma que no ha encontrado la paz.

Un temible cadaver resucitado de la cultura china es el Jiang Shi

Se dice que son criaturas nocturnas cuyos cuerpos no se han deteriorado, su pelo y uñas siguen creciendo de la forma como lo haría una persona viva, a menudo se les describe como seres de piel muy pálida los cuales no soportan la luz del sol, sin embargo su apariencia varia dependiendo la tradición, de tal suerte que los encontramos con descripciones que van desde un cuerpo normal hasta un espantoso cadáver podrido, 

Los Jiang Shi a menudo son representados como seres de largos colmillos, uñas largas y una piel palida

Una de las características peculiares es su piel entre azul, verde y blanca, según se dice, esto se deriva de un hongo que crece en los cadáveres, cuentan con cabellera larga de color blanco, tiene extremidades rígidas, de tal suerte que solo pueden avanzar dando pequeños saltos con los brazos extendidos, son completamente ciegos, pero logran detectar a sus victimas por la respiración, se cuenta que son seres muy peligrosos pues poseen una fuerza sobrenatural y beben sangre de los vivos, se cuenta que al ver un Jiang Shi se debe de huir inmediatamente de ellos, ya que al ser mordida una persona, es convertida en otro muerto viviente; según la tradición taoista, se les puede detener mediante diversos rituales y hechizos.

Se dice que por medio de algunos rituales taoistas se puede hacer dormir a los Jiang Shi

Comúnmente suelen vestir atuendos funerarios de la dinastía Qing, según algunos estudios, se dice que posiblemente el origen de este mítico ser, podría provenir de la tradición taoista donde los sacerdotes transportaban de vuelta a los cadáveres con sus amigos y familiares que habían muerto lejos, esto solo se hacia de noche, tocando unas campanas para avisar a los pueblerinos que los monjes estaban por ese lugar.

Jiang Shi vistiendo los tradicionales atuendos funerarios de la dinastía Qing

Sin embargo, otra teoría nos narra que los Jiang Shi fueron un invento de los contrabandistas los cuales se disfrazaban de estas criaturas a fin de ocultar sus actividades ilegales, burlando así a las autoridades.

Hi Sen Ko, un famoso Jiang Shi que aparece en el juego DarkStalkers de CAPCOM

Los Jiang Shi han sido fuente de inspiración tanto de películas, novelas, cómics y manga, tal el caso de la cinta "Encuentros del mas allá" estrenada en 1981, el peculiar personaje Hisen Ko del videojuego Darkstalkers por parte de CAPCOM, Lee Pailong de la famosa serie Shaman King o la carta llamada "Maestro Kyonshee" del anime y manga de Yu-Gi-Oh así como en un capitulo de Kung Fu Panda también aparecen los terribles Jiang Shi los cuales convierten al maestro Shifu en un muerto viviente.

Les compartimos un pequeño fragmento de la cinta "Encuentros del mas alla" donde se ven a los Jiang Shi en acción

Mil gracias por sus comentarios


from El blog de Mago del Trueno 🧙‍♂️⛈✍💻📖

Como sabemos, la cultura japonesa cuenta con muchos mitos y leyendas, algunos incluso relacionados con fantasmas, tal es el caso de los terribles Yurei, un tipo de espíritus sobrenaturales que han sido apartados de una pacifica vida tras la muerte, esto debido a algo que les ocurrió en vida, ya sea una falta de ceremonia funeraria, haber cometido suicidio o cosas similares, por lo general aparecen en la madrugada y antes del amanecer, se dice que asustan y atormentan a aquellos que les ofendieron en vida.
Las distintas historias sobre los Yureis los representan como espíritus femeninos vestidos con una mortaja o un kimono funerario blanco y abrochado al revés, por lo general se les describe como seres sin piernas y pies, acompañados por dos pequeñas llamas (fuegos fatuos), de colores azul, verde o purpura.

Los yurei, a menudo aparecen en diversas historias para castigar a parientes o conocidos del muerto, sobre todo cuando no se llevan a cabo las ceremonias funerarias correspondientes como el tatari o tataru.
Los yurei por lo general cuentan también con un trozo triangular de papel o tela en su frente, llamado comúnmente hitaikakushi, dependiendo la tradición, de les representa también con el cabello largo y negro, se dice que pueden ser repelidos con diversas escrituras sintoístas santificadas llamadas ofuda.
A menudo los monjes budistas son contratados para realizar ceremonias rituales a fin de acabar con la aparición de este fantasma vengativo, una ceremonia similar al exorcismo, sin embargo, en algunos otros pueblos de la nación del sol, se debe reverenciar a estos espíritus a fin de aplacar su ira.

Cabe aclarar que hay diversos tipos de yurei dentro de las tradiciones japonesas, esta categorización depende sobre todo de la manera como pasaron sus últimos momentos en vida, o cual es su razón de volver a la tierra, algunos de los mas representativos son:
  • Onryo: fantasmas que claman venganza por un mal hecho a ellos durante su vida
  • Ubume: fantasmas de madres que murieron durante el parto, dejando generalmente a un niño pequeño, este tipo de fantasmas por lo general cuidan a sus hijos y les traen dulces o postres.
  • Goryo: Un tipo de yurei mucho mas agresivos y vengativos, los cuales maldicen a una persona o lugar como acto de venganza por algún suceso que les paso en vida, por lo general corresponden a personas que fueron martirizadas en vida
  • Funayurey: son los fantasmas marinos, a menudo atormentan a las embarcaciones
  • Fantasmas guerreros: se dice que son fantasmas de gente fallecida durante las Guerras Genpei (conflicto bélico del antiguo Japón entre 1180 y 1185 entre los clanes Taira y Minamoto), estos fantasmas solo aparecen en el teatro Nö (tipo de teatro de corte dramático musical de Japón)
  • Fantasmas seductores: similar a los incubus y succubus medievales, se trata de fantasmas ya sea de hombres o mujeres, quienes inician romances con personas vivas.

Los yurei a menudo son vinculados a lugares supuestamente encantados, tal el caso del castillo Himeji ( castillo japonés localizado en la ciudad costera de Himeji en la prefectura de Hyōgo ), dos fantasmas famosos de esta construcción son el fantasma de Okiku y el de Aokigahara, lugares frecuentes donde se cometen actos de suicidio.
Un Onry bastante famoso es Oiwa, el cual se dice clama venganza a cualquier actriz que intente interpretar a este personaje.

Los yureis son bastante famosos tanto en el teatro Kabuki, películas de J-Horror, series de TV, como el anime y el manga, apareciendo en varias series y ediciones, tal el caso de Sadako en la famosa película Ringu, en Ju-On (la maldición), actividad paranormal 2, Mikami la caza fantasmas, entre muchas otras.
Como dato curioso, hay que hacer mención que en el Tempo Zensohan ( famoso templo sintoísta ubicado al sur de la ciudad de Tokio) hay una amplia colección de pinturas sobre los yurei, pinturas que datan entre 150 y 200 años, de igual modo, en los rollos Sanyu Encho-Tei, hay diversas historias sobre estas criaturas sobrenaturales.


from El blog de Mago del Trueno 🧙‍♂️⛈✍💻📖

La Calchona, criatura mitica propia de la cultural chilena

Chile es un pais rico en mitos y leyendas, en esta ocasion les hablaremos de La Calchona, ua criatura mitologica con apariencia de oveja, rostro y cabello de mujer.

La leyenda cuenta que la Calchona era una bruja que tenía un marido y dos hijos pequeños.Sin embargo, su familia no sabía la verdad sobre que ella practicaba la brujería. En su hogar ella escondía pociones, que al aplicarlas sobre una persona, permitían transformar un humano en un animal.

Cada noche ella usaba su poder para que su marido e hijos no se despertasen, y por razones que se desconocen, la Calchona posteriormente realizaba el extraño ritual de colocarse las pociones magicas a fin de transformarse en una gran oveja y salir a pasear por los campos hasta la madrugada; y recobrando su forma humana.

La Calchona, cada noche se transformaba en una oveja segun la leyenda Chilena

Sin embargo, un día olvidó realizar el hechizo para hacer dormir a su familia; y debido a ello sus hijos la vieron transformarse. Al ver la transformación, ellos queriendo imitar a su madre se pusieron las pociones, transformándose en unos pequeños zorros. Pero luego de realizada la transformación se dieron cuenta que no sabían como volver a ser niños, y por ello convertidos en estos animalitos se pusieron a llorar amargamente. Producto de los llantos, el padre también se despertó, pero su sorpresa fue enorme al no encontrar a su esposa e hijos; y ver en su lugar solamente a aquellos pequeños animales.

Producto del amor a sus hijos y las historias que había escuchado sobre los pociones que utilizaban las brujas, logró imaginarse que aquellos frascos pudieran contener algún tipo de pociones mágicas y que aquellos zorritos eran posiblemente su familia. Así decidió probar aquellas pociones en los zorritos, los cuales inmediatamente se transformaron nuevamente en niños.Los niños espantados, le contaron que era su madre la dueña de los ungüentos. El padre asustado y para evitar que les volviera a ocurrir lo mismo a sus hijos, decidió tirar el ungüento en las aguas de un río y alejarse todos de la casa para siempre

La Calchona, al no poder regresar a su forma humana, quedo convertida en un ser parte oveja, parte mujer

Sin embargo, la Calchona al regresar a su casa, y aun estando convertida en una oveja negra, al ver que no estaba su marido e hijos, asustada comenzó a buscar sus pociones por toda la casa; encontrando solamente los frascos casi vacíos. Así ella muy afligida, trato de utilizar los restos de ungüento para transformarse nuevamente en ser humano; pero sólo le alcanzó para transformar sus manos, rostro y cabello a su forma humana. Quedando para siempre convertida en ese animal hibrido, parte oveja, parte humana.


from El blog de Mago del Trueno 🧙‍♂️⛈✍💻📖

Titivillus, el demonio de los escribas

Como sabemos, en la edad media, todo problema, toda enfermedad era achacada a encantamientos, brujas  demonios, incluso los escribas y copistas podian hecharle la culpa a un demonio por sus errores.

Tal es el caso de Titivillus, un demonio el cual se creia que trabajaba en nombre del poderoso Belfegor, asi como de parte de Satanas mismo, se decia que este demonio inducia a copistas y escribanos a comenter errores en su escitura, como son la omision de palabras, silabas o letras, asi como la pesima caligrafia, la mala traduccion, y las faltas en la ortografia.

Representacion de Titivillus

La primer referencia a Titivillus, es nombrada en el Tractatus de Penitentia de Juan de Gales por alla de 1285, otra de sus sobrenaturales habilidades era elde distraer a los monjes de su sagrada oracion, induciendo la charla ociosa, la mala pronunciacion, la murmuracion, creando con ello conflicto.

Coloquialmente se le conocia como el demonio de los escribas, ya que es la excusa perfecta para errores en manuscritos que se van copiando, asi como para aquellos que son escritores, un hecho peculiar es que el diccionario Oxford en todas las ediciones argumentando la intervencion de Titivillus.


from Exit highway to hell

I admit I have lived in a digital cave over the past four years — because isn't that how platitudinous-terrorists live in the real world? Four years ago I decided I'll completely strip Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google & Microsoft from my life in order to regain (some perceived) privacy. This came at the cost of becoming more than just “kind of lonely”, but with the great benefit of calmer information consumption and other life lessons. However, a couple of weeks ago, I realized that I should diverge a little from my loner path and try engaging with other humans who have similar struggles and perspectives in life as me. This change was fully triggered by Ludic's viral blog post about the current ridiculous AI hype. His blog post follows the “The Emperor's New Clothes” tradition of exposing a mass-deception and is certainly worth reading. It led me into signing up to Mastodon and starting this very blog, which will hopefully create a long-term improvement in my and others' life quality.

So here I am! With excitement and enthusiasm, I jump right into social media and engage with all kinds of people, enjoying reading others' opinions and points of view on a claviature of topics. (Which by the way are really one-sided interactions as I barely get responses so far, but that should eventually change.) But, then, there is this one phrase that was always bugging me in the past and is annoyingly popping up over and over again. Just like a god-damn mosquito that you can't find, but hear it mocking you while constantly circling your head bringing your blood to boiling and making your head turn red as it shows the over-pressurization of your veins slowly bringing you into the state of a mental break-down because you just f##king want to sleep as you have an important early appointment tomorr…AARRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Yeah … probably you know that feeling? It is this sloppy “contact your local political representative” that is absent-mindedly dropped by f##ucktards all over the web when policies are discussed causing this slightest of rage within me. Additionally, it is often the same kind of people who educate others on privileges. I believe that means it is now on me to teach all of you a lesson! Yes, including you, as you likely have recommended it too at some point. This is a necessity, my new purpose in life, and I swore to everything I care about to not crawl back into my digital cave before I have cleansed the web of people like you! No, I won't enjoy doing this, and please stop looking at me like a cute little baby seal, it won't save you any more! Even you know that eradicating your ignorance from this universe is a selfless service to humanity! As you have ignited my inner flame of terrorism, it has developed into a ferocious inferno, destroying us all!

Did you ever have just the faintest hunch that a political representative could be a luxury most people in the world don't possess¹? I assume if you never had that thought, most probably you have also not scratched the notion that criticizing or mere contacting a local “representative” can end deadly for many poor souls²? Also, not? So, are you realizing now that severing off your hands and tongue with a glowing rod of chromium³ is only quid pro quo to what you have done? I dearly hope that people reading your well intended “advice” were not as dimwitted as you and thought twice about actually following it. I believe catching every single person who has ever said this will be a Herculean task, but be certain I will at least get you! And everyone will shudder in terror when they hear your screams of agony as I unleash my wrath onto you! To all people reading this who have not yet committed this wicked sin: do not! It is not worth the fear you will face. Think clearly beforehand, “Would this really be a good advice?” After that, think again. Only in cases you are absolutely certain about where the person is coming from, and this advice has actual validity, you may express it with a huge disclaimer highlighting the possible side effects for everyone else.

Let's be real though and let the devilish atmosphere of the previous paragraph clear up for a bit. For all people living in some shape of democracy: How often has contacting your local representative really changed a fundamental issue? I have been active in politics in an advanced European democracy, so I know what having a local representative means. I also personally know several who chose this career. Actually, I was thinking following that path as well, until others on the same track as me started chit-chatting that “I am taking the issues our society has too seriously”. I am trying to make the point, that political representatives are just people, and, I called it career, because it is plainly their job. When they aren't in the spotlight, most don't give any s##t about issues, but their very own. The majority doesn't think about how they can solve others' problems, but what they need to do to keep their jobs or get a “promotion”. The same way as everyone who wants to preserve or “improve” their way of life. Many folks reading this might object with “but this politician XYZ actually cares”. My response then usually is: maybe they really do, but how can you be certain that isn't just their carefully crafted image? And even if your example really is one of these few who made helping others their life mission — they are an absolute minority, as most altruists plainly don't join this “industry”. It is an issue inherently to human nature. We don't do what is “good” because it is the “right thing” to do. We do what our peers do, we do what our “bubble” does, and ultimately we do what the people we are accountable to want from us. In the case of a politician, this is not the voter. Only in the utopian most perfect democracy with completely unbiased humans that can be the case. In reality, it's always some power-groups that are different in every country, but all share holding some gatekeeper position within their society. However, as a worthwhile blog post should offer some kind of answers and not purified despair, I'll tell you a short story about one of my relatives. They are true altruists and dedicated their life to being social worker, as which they regularly need help from their local political representatives (e.g. to prevent eviction or cutting of power supply of some unfortunate citizens, etc.). My relative was frustrated for a long time as they couldn't make those political representatives listen, so they became infamous for making a huge fuss in politicians' offices with screaming and channelling all their anger right at them. This reputation truly helped, and since then everyone answers their calls as all try preventing my relative visiting their offices again. This is the only example of “contact your local political representative” I have seen to work to some extent. Unfortunately, this needs to have a huge, big disclaimer: Once too many people do this, political representatives won't allow anyone coming to their offices any longer and isolate themselves even more from the “commoners”. So this can only be a tool of very last resort. And, do not try this in your country as where I am from we have a very low power distance⁴. In other countries, that might have been the last time you said anything.

Which would also hold true if you already forgot my previous warning! I swear I will find you and I will destroy everything dear to you! Your suffering will be unfathomable, and begging for mercy will inevitably lead to more torture! There is no hiding, nor hope. In my digital cave, you are all alone. No one can help you and no one can ease your suffering.

____ Notes: ¹ see several indices trying measuring this: ² see the unfortunately common practice of repression: ³ Chromium because it is a metal with a very high melting point so it slices through your extremities like butter as you should be the only one breaking a sweat here. Besides, I'd personally enjoy it more if my tool of destruction shares its name with something I despise. *evil laughter* ⁴ power distance is a concept from sociology trying measuring how accepted inequalities of power are in societies; it is a typical “soft science”, so take with two grains of salt;


from Mark Roger

A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Waterfront Office

The concept of the workplace has undergone a substantial change in new years. With the rise of distant perform and the raising importance of employee well-being, corporations are reevaluating their company environments. One development that has gained energy could be the progress of waterfront offices. These workspaces, based along rivers, seas, or oceans, give you a special mixture of visual appeal, tranquility, and practicality. As businesses seek to entice and retain top skill, Waterfront practices are getting a nice-looking solution, giving a stimulating alternative to the traditional metropolitan company setting.


The Allure of Waterfront Offices

Waterfront practices aren't just about beautiful opinions; they provide a myriad of advantages that make them a compelling choice for businesses. The serene and picturesque surroundings contribute to a peaceful and calm work environment, which could increase employee productivity and satisfaction. The organic beauty of water figures, combined with sound of streaming water, may reduce stress levels and develop a sense of tranquility that's difficult to get in traditional company spaces.

Furthermore, waterfront practices usually have additional amenities that make the workday more enjoyable. Use of outside places, such as for instance patios, decks, and gardens, allows personnel to get breaks in a stimulating setting, selling rest and intellectual clarity. These features may significantly improve the entire perform knowledge, leading to raised job satisfaction and paid off turnover rates.

Health and Wellness Benefits

Medical and wellness great things about waterfront practices are substantial. Being near water has been revealed to have a positive impact on intellectual health, lowering panic and selling a sense of well-being. The opportunity to have a stroll across the water all through lunch breaks or engage in outside actions may improve physical health, encouraging a far more productive lifestyle. The current presence of organic gentle and fresh air further enhances work setting, adding to better overall health for employees.

Additionally, the peaceful effectation of water may improve emphasis and creativity. Reports show that being near water may raise cognitive performance and problem-solving abilities. For corporations that count on innovation and innovative thinking, waterfront practices provides an ideal setting for brainstorming and collaboration.

Economic and Environmental Considerations

While the advantages of waterfront practices are clear, there's also financial and environmental factors to get into account. Waterfront attributes could be more expensive than traditional company places due to their perfect locations and desired views. But, the expense could be validated by the increased productivity and job satisfaction why these practices provide. Also, corporations could save yourself on fees linked to employee turnover and absenteeism by offering a healthiest and more desirable perform environment.

From an environmental perception, waterfront practices may promote sustainable practices. The closeness to water encourages the usage of eco-friendly transportation choices, such as for instance biking or strolling, lowering the carbon footprint connected with commuting. More over, several waterfront developments integrate natural developing practices, applying energy-efficient resources and technologies to minimize environmental impact.

Challenges and Solutions

Despite the numerous benefits, you can find challenges connected with waterfront offices. One of the main concerns is the chance of flooding or other water-related damage. Corporations should spend money on correct infrastructure and style to mitigate these dangers, ensuring that their practices are resistant to possible environmental hazards. This could contain increased developing structures, robust drainage techniques, and the usage of water-resistant materials.

Yet another concern could be the possibility of increased preservation fees as a result of closeness to water. Ocean, particularly, may cause deterioration and use on developing resources, necessitating typical upkeep. But, with careful planning and the usage of sturdy resources, these challenges could be effortlessly managed.

The Future of Waterfront Offices

While the demand for special and attractive workspaces continues to grow, waterfront practices are positioned to become distinguished feature of the current company landscape. Companies that prioritize employee well-being and seek to produce an impressive work environment will significantly change to waterfront locations. These practices give you a mixture of organic beauty, health benefits, and productivity innovations which can be unparalleled by traditional company spaces.

To conclude, waterfront practices represent a brand new age of workspaces that appeal to the evolving needs of corporations and personnel alike. By giving a serene and stirring setting, these practices may improve job satisfaction, increase creativity, and promote overall well-being. As more businesses identify the worthiness of Waterfront practices, we are able to expect you'll see a surge within their progress, shaping the continuing future of perform in a profound and positive way.


from Late Night Blog

Collection of things I shared on social media over the last few months


Blog Articles


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from Mark Roger

Why Invest in Luxury Apartments for Sale in Karachi?

Karachi, Pakistan's greatest city and financial centre, is definitely a magnet for house investors. The city's expansive downtown landscape, varied economy, and strategic place make it an excellent target for equally local and international investors. In recent years, Karachi's property market has experienced substantial growth, driven by infrastructure growth, raising demand for residential and industrial spaces, and positive government policies. This short article goes into the many facets of buying Karachi house, displaying critical areas, expense trends, and essential techniques for possible investors.  investment in karachi property

Key Areas for Property Investment in Karachi

Karachi offers a wide selection of expense opportunities across different areas, each using its distinctive characteristics and possibility of get back on expense (ROI). Some of the most sought-after areas include DHA (Defence Housing Authority), Clifton, Bahria Area, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, and Karachi's Slot Qasim.

DHA and Clifton are well-known because of their high-end residential and industrial properties. These areas offer state-of-the-art infrastructure, exemplary protection, and closeness to significant company stores and recreational facilities. Attributes in these areas, though costly, offer high earnings because of their perfect locations and consistent demand.

Bahria Area, on another give, is a in the offing community that gives a variety of luxury and affordability. It features contemporary amenities, inspired areas, colleges, hospitals, and a strong protection system. Purchasing Bahria Area can be specially lucrative because of its rapid growth and rising recognition among heart to upper-middle-class residents.

Gulshan-e-Iqbal is among the earliest and many densely populated residential areas in Karachi. It includes a variety of expense choices which range from apartments to houses, making it ideal for investors with varying budgets. The area's well-established infrastructure and connection to other parts of the city enhance their expense appeal.

Slot Qasim, largely an industrial region, is getting traction among industrial house investors. Using its strategic place nearby the Karachi Slot, it's a centre for industrial activities, warehousing, and logistics. Purchasing industrial qualities in this region may provide substantial earnings because of the continuous influx of companies and business activities.

Trends Shaping Karachi's Property Market

Several trends are currently shaping the expense landscape in Karachi's house market. One significant trend is the change towards vertical living. With the city's populace consistently rising and area getting scarce, there is an raising choice for high-rise residential and industrial buildings. Developers are focusing on building contemporary apartments and mixed-use developments to appeal to the demand for downtown living spaces.

Still another substantial trend is the integration of wise systems in property projects. Developers are adding wise home features, energy-efficient systems, and sophisticated protection measures to entice tech-savvy buyers and investors. This trend is not merely enhancing the living knowledge but in addition improving house values.

Moreover, there is a growing curiosity about gated neighborhoods and protected housing schemes. Given the protection problems in Karachi, many investors and homebuyers are deciding on qualities within gated neighborhoods offering controlled access, monitoring systems, and communal facilities. This choice is operating the growth of new housing systems that prioritize protection and community living.

Government Policies and Their Impact on Investment

Government plans perform an essential role in shaping the real property market in Karachi. New initiatives targeted at improving the house segment include tax incentives, regulatory reforms, and infrastructure growth projects. The government's concentrate on improving Karachi's infrastructure, such as the structure of new highways, bridges, and public transfer systems, is making the city more accessible and desirable for investors.

The release of the True Property Regulatory Power (RERA) in Pakistan is also a significant stage towards ensuring transparency and accountability in the house market. RERA aims to manage the real property segment, protect the passions of buyers and investors, and promote good practices among developers. This regulatory platform is estimated to enhance investor confidence and inspire more expense in the house market.

Additionally, the government's initiatives to advertise economical housing through various systems and subsidies are opening up new avenues for investment. Initiatives like the Naya Pakistan Housing Plan are targeted at providing economical housing methods to minimal and middle-income pieces, thereby expanding industry for residential properties.

Tips for Investing in Karachi Property

Purchasing Karachi house requires cautious planning and factor of varied factors. Below are a few essential methods to guide possible investors:

  1. Perform Complete Study: Before making any expense, it's essential to conduct detailed research on the house market, including recent trends, house values, and future growth prospects. Understanding the character of different areas in Karachi will help for making knowledgeable expense decisions.

  2. Assess Your Budget: Establish your financial allowance and financing choices before investing. Contemplate facets such as for instance house prices, fees, and extra fees like preservation and renovation. It's sensible to really have a clear economic strategy to avoid any unforeseen expenses.

  3. Find Professional Advice: Engaging with property agents, house consultants, and legitimate advisors can offer important insights and guidance. They could support steer the complexities of house transactions, legitimate demands, and market trends.

  4. Assess the Location: The located area of the house represents an important role in deciding their value and possible returns. Try to find qualities in areas with great infrastructure, connection, and future growth plans. Closeness to colleges, hospitals, and industrial stores also can boost the property's appeal.

  5. Check Appropriate Certification: Make sure that the house has clear legitimate paperwork and is clear of any disputes or encumbrances. Examine the ownership, area name, and required approvals from relevant authorities. This is a must to avoid any legitimate issues in the future.

  6. Contemplate Long-Term Potential: Real-estate expense is normally a long-term venture. Assess the long-term possible of the house with regards to value appreciation, hire revenue, and market demand. Purchasing areas with in the offing infrastructure projects and financial growth prospects may provide larger earnings around time.


investment in karachi property presents lucrative opportunities for equally experienced and amateur investors. The city's varied property market, coupled with positive government plans and emerging trends, helps it be an attractive destination for house investment. By knowledge the key areas, market trends, and essential methods specified in this short article, investors could make knowledgeable choices and improve their earnings in Karachi's active house market. Whether it's residential, industrial, or industrial house, Karachi keeps immense possibility of these seeking to invest in the lively and ever-evolving property sector.


from Johannes Leutenegger

Ich mache mir etwas Sorgen, wie gut Felipe Borges in den letzten Testspielen gespielt hat. Vielleicht verlieren wir ihn bereits in der Winterpause an einen anderen Club. In diesem Spiel erzielte er zwei nicht ganz einfache Tore, nachdem er bereits in den letzten drei vorherigen Spielen stark gespielt hat. Zum ersten Mal ist mir auch Simone Rapp aufgefallen. Er erzielte ein Tor, lieferte ein solide Spiel ab.

Dass die Wiler jetzt YB geschlagen 1:3 haben, muss man etwas einordnen. YB hat vor dem Spiel bereits gegen Aarau gespielt und 1:0 gewonnen. Das Team war stark mit der zweiten Garde bestückt.


from Mac Henni

The worst traffic in Downtown is in the Commercial Downtown

The worst intersection in Downtown is that in the article title. Typically in rush hour, traffic is backed up all the way from this intersection to Figueroa, maybe even Sloat. This intersection is needlessly complex, in that it has several outputs that can be streamlined or eliminated entirely. The main stakeholders fed by this intersection are the Pacific Grove tunnel, the commercial strip along Del Monte, and the rest of downtown. The grid is mi


from Hannes

11.7. 2024 Tatsachen 4 a Immer wieder, wenn ich wach werde, muss ich feststellen, das im Nebenbett jemand fehlt, den ich etwa 45 Jahre bei mir hatte. Sie hieß Margret und blieb mir treu bis zu ihren Tod. Nun habe ich keine Frau mehr zum Anfassen und zu fühlen. Wer morgens ab und zu im Bett ist, ist “Luna” Margrets Katze. Am 100. Todestag, 8.7, hätte ich die ganze Welt zusammen schreien können, wo Margret ist, aber keiner bringt mir sie zurück, wo ist sie geblieben? Aber Luna soll es bei mir gut haben, manchmal ist sie etwas verwöhnt und möchte ein bestimmtes Katzen Schlecker. Sie hatte 3 Tage nichts, heute Morgen bekam sie es. Sie stürzte sich sofort auf ihr Schlecker und leckte alles auf. Ich fing an, das Auto von innen zu säubern, der Stoff ist aus Filz, da hat man es nicht so leicht, die Holzkrümel zu entfernen, weil sie sich manchmal in dem Stoff verhaken, auch wenn man den Sauger auf höchste Leistung einstellt, hilft es nicht viel. Zu Mittag aß ich ein halbes Baguette, das ich vorher im Backofen röstete, mehr nicht, denn ich wollte zum Nachbarschaftstreff in die Breslauer Straße gehen. Dort gab es Stachelbeertorte mit Kaffee. Kurze Zeit später gab es “Herztropfen” (Sekt) und plauderten über verschiedene Sachen. Wisst ihr den Unterschied, wenn allein zum Treff geht und sich mit den Leuten unterhält, man ist trotzdem solo unter den Leuten. Wenn man aber eine Partnerin neben sich hat, ist man nicht allein, sie gehört zu mir und unterhält sich mit ihnen.


from Johannes Leutenegger

Im Rahmen des Deutsch-Französischen Krieges 1870/71 kam im Frühjahr 1871 eine französische Armee in die Schweiz und wurde nachfolgend interniert. Nach deren General wurde die Armee auch Bourbaki-Armee genannt. Ein Pflichttermin für Geschichtsinteressierte in Luzern ist das Bourbaki-Panorama von Edouard Castres, das die Ankunft der französischen Truppen in der Schweiz, die Abgabe ihrer Waffen und der folgenden Internierung zeigt.

Das Ereignis dieser Internierung wird gerne als Beispiel für die “humanitäre Tradition” der Schweiz gesehen. Dass diese “Tradition” oft Augenwischerei war und ist, soll jetzt hier nicht weiter diskutiert werden. Tatsächlich war die Aktion für die damals nicht so grosse Schweizer Bevölkerung eine Herausforderung. Das Stadtlexikon WilNet berichtet von 199 französischen Soldaten, die in Wil interniert wurden. Für ein kleines Städtchen eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe. In Wil wurden diese im Armenhaus untergebracht, dem ehemaligen fürstäbtlichen Kornhaus an der Bergtalstrasse. Die Schlussrechnung des Wiler Lokalkomitees berichtet von 860.40 Franken, die damals aufgewendet wurden, der grösste Teil gedeckt aus freiwilligen Spenden. Das ist doch recht beeindruckend.

Offenbar starben zwei französische Soldaten in Wil. Einmal der Korporal Henri André Lecler am 13. Februar 1871 und der Soldat Pierre Auguste Grosse am 16. Februar 1871. Für Sie wurde an der Kirche St. Peter ein Denkmal errichtet. 1940 wurde offenbar eine kleine Platte mit der Aufschrift “Les Français à leur morts” ergänzt. Auslandsfranzösinnen und -franzosen in Wil war es offenbar im Verlauf des Zweiten Weltkriegs ihren Toten zu gedenken, bescheiden aber trotzdem.